Saturday 8 February 2014

If evil had a purpose, what it might be?

What is darkness? 
..........Is it just not absence of light?

What is sadness?
..........Is it not the absence of happiness?

What is loneliness?
..........Is it not the absence of a company?

What is poverty?
..........Is it not the absence of richies?

What is evil?
..........Is it not the absence of good?

Does darkness have a purpose? or just a result of lack of light?

So why do you think evil has a purpose? If it could be just the absence of what is right.

Monday 3 February 2014

Where is here?

One thing that travels faster than the speed of light is mind, 

  • It can wander in stars,
  • Jump planets,
  • Take you to places,

but where ever it takes us, it takes us further away from 'here'.
So where is here?

Here is the place where you we in in flesh and in mind. If the mind wanders, we are not here. The process of being in present always is a hard one to practice, even harder to hold on to.

In very simple words, every one say "Work hard, Party harder"; It is nothing more that saying stay where you are, If you are here, stay here. If you are working then work, if you are on a holiday, let your mind stay there.

Contrary to what people may argue, it is not to say to kill creativity. If you want the mind to wander that is fine, and it is perfectly normal. The root of the evil is when it does not stay there. Often called as lack of concentration. If an individual is here, in the present always he is called "<sanskrit>Sthir Chit</sanskrit>" which means his soul is stable, and is also said to be the best form of worship.